Friday, February 15, 2008

Improve Your Sex Life on Heels

Can wearing high heels improves your sex life? Dr. Maria Cerruto, an Italian urologist, thinks you certainly can. BBC News reports, in her letter to European Urology, Dr. Cerruto said, her study of 66 women under 50 found that those who held their foot at a 15 degree angle to the ground - the equivalent of a two inch heel - had as good posture as those who wore flat shoes, and crucially showed less electrical activity in their pelvic muscles.

The report further explains that the muscles are at an optimum position, which could well improve their strength and ability to contract.

The pelvic floor muscles, says the report, are an essential component of the female body. As well as assisting sexual performance and satisfaction, they provide vital support to the pelvic organs, which include the bladder, bowels and uterus.

But they often weaken after pregnancy and childbirth, and as the woman gets older. There are exercises to strengthen them, but Dr Cerruto hopes her findings may eliminate the need for these.

I am not sure what she means by "less electrical activity" but a study of 66 women is hardly conclusive evidence. I am sure these findings are only preliminary but I can't help smelling a little bit of hype in this. Just like the "you can become slimmer by laughing". It is not entirely a false statement since energy burns fat, but how long do you have to laugh to slim down from 500 kg to 50 kg?