Thursday, February 21, 2008

If a Diet Worked, the (Diet) Industry Would Collapse

As if it was the first time I heard this statement, "if a diet worked, the industry would collapse", a light went on in my head when I read an article by Kira Cochrane from the Guardian. The article is entitled, "I won't let the weight-loss industry crush my confidence".

In her article, she talks about how the diet industry is using or manipulating images to instill a self-loathing image among overweight people.

She mentions an example of the before-and-after photos - on DVDs she was browsing - in which one picture shows a glum woman with no makeup, dressed in an ill-fitting outfit beneath lights that accentuate every spare ripple of flesh, and another shows a smiling woman with tons of makeup, in an expertly styled outfit, beneath studio lights primed to lengthen and flatter.

Just to add to her example, I have noticed some weight-loss advertisements using models who are not overweight at all. And how in one ad, the so-called overweight girl is stressing out that her partner is not attracted to her anymore because of her condition. She will go on discovering the great whatever-they-are-selling and miraculously everything is fine again. I can imagine an overweight (even if so slightly) person watching this ad and saying, "well, if that's fat then I'm obese!".

I personally have never been overweight in my life. But I have noticed how impressionable we, human beings can be with the slightest idea that something is wrong with us.

We have been underestimating the power of suggestion and those who have not, have been taking advantage of this to their fullest benefit.